As of September 30, 2023, the subscribed and paid-in capital of Ripley Corp S.A. was represented by 1,936,052,298 shares and the Company had a total of 679 shareholders in its records..

The top 12 shareholders of Ripley Corp as of September 30, 2023 are:

Ownership percentage table
Largest Shareholders of Ripley Corp N° of Shares % of Ownwership
Inversiones R Matriz Limitada 829.306.893 42.8%
Banchile Corredores de Bolsa S.A. 93.498.385 4.8%
AFP Habitat S.A. para Fondo Pensión C 55.228.854 2.9%
BCI Corredores de Bolsa S.A. 52.806.331 2.7%
Compass Small Cap Chile Fondo de Inversión 42.743.152 2.2%
Banco Santander por Cuenta de Inv. Extranjeros 37.070.893 1.9%
CK EMC SPA 35.841.221 1.9%
PCK SPA 35.841.221 1.9%
DCK SPA 35.841.220 1.9%
BTG Pactual Fondo Mutuo Chile Acción 34.091.056 1.8%
BTG Pactual Small Cap Cile Fondo de Inversión (Cta. Nueva) 30.620.147 1.6%
AFP Capital S.A. Fondo de Pension Tipo C 30.593.982 1.6%